Our Philosophy



Even though we do sell some software, the main purpose of this site is to present our new, breathtaking ideas on better ways of designing software.  Better both in software quality (data organization correct by construction, code easier to read and maintain) and in how fast you can produce solid code (twice or more).

We are also the leading provider of persistent objects and persistent data structures since 1989. Our C++ persistence is optimized for both speed and storage, and our intrusive data structures provide automatic integrity checking, are faster, and have smaller memory footprint than commonly used containers. They also map directly to UML diagrams.

These tools allow you to set up, in hours, custom databases for applications such as the VLSI CAD or stock exchange data processing, databases that are 10 times faster than any generic OODBS.

[what about object, graph, time series, and keystore databases?]

Our software has been tested on hundreds of prestigious, complex projects and is safe and simple to use. We are the first company in this field to have introduced complete regression test suites.

[these seem out of place here, drop first and third, move second to Products page]

Binary copies and documentation for all our software are free. Full source is also available.

You may also be interested in the comparison with other persistent systems.

See also: OOPSLA workshop "The popularity cycle of graphical tools, UML, and libraries of associations"